Check out my Review page instead of the post for an updated review on Online Stores ^^

Thursday, 31 October 2013

Kpop stuff have arrived ^^

Annyeong ^^

It's been a while since I last wrote. I've been having some difficulties being sick and other stuff. But I have finally taken some picture of the stuff that has arrived to me lately ^^
Hopefully my Seo Inguk CDs will come tomorrow or something ^^

You know what to do if you want to read more ;)

Monday, 14 October 2013

It's been a good day ^^

Annyeong ^^

Today's been a good day :)
It started with a message from MYNAME Sweden telling me that I could participate without facebook which their contest were located in. And then I watched LOENT's Introduce Myself with MYNAME which was freaking hilarious.

Then I told LOENT that and they actually responded to me :D They've only favourited my tweets before but this time they tweeted back to me :D

Then I sent in my motivation to the MYNAME contest and then went to my regular monday group. We watched Wreck-It Ralph because the kids had decided that we should have a movie night today. The movie was really amazing! If you haven't seen it you totally should! ^^
After the kids went home I saw I had a lot of messages on my phone. One of them was from MYNAME Sweden telling me that I had won their contest! :D I was so happy! I didn't think I actually be able to but I did :D
So now I'm waiting for my copy of the magazine K-Colors of Korea :D
The thing we had to do to participate was to tell them how we found MYNAME Sweden and why we love MYNAME

Hej ^^

Jag har gillat MYNAME sedan deras debut. Message är en fantastisk låt och jag älskade deras stampdans. Men det var inte förrän Just That Little Thing kom ut som jag hittade deras Japanska låtar och blev förälskad på riktigt. Då jag redan följer MYNAMESG (de hjälpte mig med Baby I'm Sorry albumen) och MYNAME Spain (som också hjälpte mig med Baby I'm Sorry albumen) hittade jag MYNAME International nyligen genom dessa. Och Genom MYNAME International hittade jag även MYNAME Sweden då de promotade er. Förvånad över att jag inte hittat er tidigare började jag genast följa er i hopp om att hitta fler MyGirls och MyBoys.

Varför jag gillar MYNAME? Det är enkelt. De är grymt bra artister, roliga och de gör musik som jag verkligen gillar. De är perfekta helt enkelt! Alla har sin plats i MYNAME och MYNAME hade inte varit MYNAME om någon av dom saknades.
Det är en underbar familj
Pappa Gunwoo
Mamma Insoo
Äldsta Sonen Seyong
Mellersta Sonen JunQ
Maknae Chaejin
Och all MyGirls & MyBoys
Black heart (cards)

Det finns så mycket mer att säga om denna underbara grupp men det skulle bli en alldeles för lång rant x)

Tack MYNAME Sweden för att ni ordnar denna tävling och tack för att jag får delta utan facebook :D
I'm too lazy to translate this but if you try Google Translate it will give you fairly good translation ^^

Now I'm a bit scared that will be the last good day I'll have in a few weeks..

Another mobile update ^^

Okay so the last album has finally been sent ^^
I hope you all get your albums soon :)

As for the ones who participated and sent in their address I'll hopefully send them out at the end of this week :)

Sunday, 13 October 2013

Comeback rant: Major update

Annyeong ^^

It's time for some MV updates ^^ Click on Yejun for music videos by Block B, Jung Joonyoung, IU, Tiny-G, Teen Top, Pure, VIXX & Okdal, FT Island and MYNAME

Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Sent out some of the prizes

Annyeong ^^
I sent out two of the prizes yesterday from my 2nd anniversary question hunt ^^
Let me know when they arrive :)
As for one of the winners I have emailed her about this and as soon as I make sure of something I'll send the last one out too :)

I'll send out more things soon ;)

Monday, 7 October 2013

CDJapan package

Annyeong ^^

Guess what I got today?

Well, if you guessed my CDJapan package then you guessed right. And with it I got a huge custom tax >.<

It contains a Seo Inguk photobook, LEDApple's Kiss Tour and MYNAME stuff ^^

Let's order MYNAME's 3rd single

Annyeong ^^

I finally got the shipping prices ^^
If anyone want me to order for them I can do that.
The amount that you'll need to send me is 19720\ and then it depends on where you live how much the shipping will be.
Send me a message if you want to :)

I need 2 more people to make this possible :)

Saturday, 5 October 2013

MYNAME updates ^^

Annyeong ^^
I'm back from my aunt's house ^^ And I've ordered my MYNAME lightstick with the help of my sister and an ebay seller. :)

And I'm still waiting for response on how much the shipping will be for albums to be shipped to Sweden.
But unless you want me to help you MYNAME Spain has opened orders for international so if you live in Europe it's cheaper to order from them from anyone else ^^
I ordered my last 3 Baby I'm Sorry albums from them and they were super helpful and nice! And the fact that they're willing to help international fans even if they're not that confident with English is awesome.

If I'm gonna help ordering I will only take 4 orders so contact me if you are interested and I'll let you know before the 10th if I can order or not. (Because if I don't get the shipping price in time you can still order from MYNAME Spain)

Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Random update rant

Annyeong ^^

So I haven't updated you guys on some things.
First off, I'm going to my aunt tomorrow because we're going on my granddad's funeral this weekend so unless I get the stamps today I won't be posting the prizes until next week. Sorry about the delay but there's been so much going on right now.
And on Sunday I'm going to Stockholm with my friend to go to Eat Your Kimchi's fanmeeting. It's gonna be great I think. Except for the fact that I'm going up in the country tomorrow and coming home on Saturday to take the train back up (almost all the way) to see them xP. It's only because we bought the tickets before I knew about the funeral.

Now there will be more Kpop updates ^^
MYNAME is making their Korean comeback in October with their 3rd single album. I'm so gonna buy their Fancafe album :)
And they're making their Japanese comeback on November 20th (Seyong's birthday) and I've just preordered my copies thanks to the points I've been saving up. It's points from my previous orders, orders that you guys have made after clicking my links (THANK YOU SO MUCH!!) and surveys that I always get after a order has been shipped. It's an awesome feeling and I love CDJapan so much for their point service!
If you haven't made your account yet, you should. And if you have a blog or similar you can get you're own links ^^

If you need help preordering

Day By Day
And if you haven't preordered Shirayuki yet
Shirayuki ver. A
Shirayuki ver. B
Another MYNAME news is that they starred in a episode of Thunderstruck Stationery Store and it's hilarious and you really need to watch it! I loved it! ^^

Jung Joonyoung - Spotless Mind
The music video is kind of boring but I like the song.

I think this is enough for my randomness x)

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