Comeback #3 : U-Kiss - DORADORA
Annyeong ^^
U-Kiss has finally come out with a music video to DORADORA :D I love
this song and I do not regret that I ordered the album :D It feels like
they've finally gone back to their old music style but not completely
which I like!
And Hoon's voice is just DAEBAK!! :D I also think it's a
bit sad that both Eli and AJ didn't get much rapping because our Dongho
took it (not that I'm complaining, it's just a bit sad). And it feels
like Kiseop gets an even smaller part (even though that may not be
true..) I think it's time for U-Kiss to take away some focus on Kevin
and give it to Eli, AJ and Kiseop ^.^ <3
Okay, gotta go get dressed for school now T-T