Drama rant #37: Omukae Desu & Switch Girl!! 1&2
Annyeong ^^
So it's time for a drama rant!! ^^ This rant will contain only Japanese dramas this time. Omukae Desu and Switch Girl both seasons. It might be a bit spoiled so read on you're own risk.
This is a drama I just finished watching. And if you think I only watched this for Fukushi Sota you're wrong. I watched it because of Fukushi Sota and Suzuki Ryohei ^^
It's about death and ghosts that need help moving on before their time is up. Tsutsumi (Fukushi Sota) and Sachi (Tao Tsuchiya) are the part-time workers that helps the ghost relay what they want to say to the living. It's a really interesting and heart-warming drama. It's funny (I mean Suzuki Ryohei in a pink rabbit costume) and sad at the same time. I'm really impressed by Fukushi Sota, I think it might be one of his best works. I also love his character, it's something refreshing over him. I totally recommend it.
Switch Girl
I don't really remember why I started watching Switch Girl!! But I'm happy I did because it's so funny. This drama is about a girl who has a switch "button", when she is at school or other scenes where she might get recognized she's "on" looking really pretty and when she's off where no one but her family can see her she's a total slob. The first season is about Nika (Nishiuchi Mariya) getting to know Arata (Kiriyama Renn) pretty much.
I love the main female character because she's funny but also strong. She doesn't need a guy to fight for her. She's just amazing. And I think Nishiuchi Mariya is doing a great job as the female lead.
Kiriyama Renn's character is a great compliment to her.
Also if you need a better review of this drama, here's one from Soompi that I really felt the author hit the nail spot on!
Switch Girl!! 2
The second season is more about their relationship and helping others. I liked this season better because this is where the main characters know each other and more focus on their friends and the relationship to each other. I also love how she's always (well at least most of the time) the one to save the day (she was the saviour in the first season too but this season is more fun).
Let me know if you've seen any of them and what you think about them. Or if you have a suggestion of a drama you think I really need to watch ^^
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